Missing a tooth or several teeth can severely influence your daily life. It can affect your general health, your appearance and self-esteem. Missing teeth and a reduced jaw bone can make your face look older and wrinkly, and for your cheeks to become hollow and saggy. The good news is that we can help with […]
Dental Care
If you notice your gums pulling away from your teeth, you might be in the early stages of gum disease (gingivitis) or in the more advanced stage (periodontitis). Left untreated, periodontitis can cause bone loss, and your teeth might shift or become loose.
You may not consider a gap between the front teeth a problem at all. But, if you want to correct it, your options include orthodontics to move teeth closer together and cosmetic solutions like veneers or bonding.
Grinding your teeth is called bruxism. Stress is one of the causes. Misaligned teeth or sleep issues can also be culprits among adults. Bruxism can give you headaches, a sore jaw, and cracked or loose teeth.
Crooked teeth are a common dental concern that presents both cosmetic and oral health complications. Crooked teeth can impact a patient’s self-confidence, and may prevent patients from being able to properly clean their teeth. Patients with crooked teeth often experience excessive wear and damage to their teeth, as well as other TMJ related pain symptoms.
You’ve got a cracked molar. Can your dentist save the tooth? It depends. Crowns are a secure cover that is placed over top of an existing tooth. They are recommended when the tooth has become very damaged or has experienced a lot of decay. Dental crowns cover the entire tooth, all the way to the […]